
Read the latest stories and insights from us and those we support.

Nov 18, 2021

Popcorn Brings Philanthropy to DeFi by Joining Crypto Climate Accord and Partnering with Vanderbilt Blockchain.

Popcorn, a philanthropy-focused DeFi yield-generating platform, has partnered with both the Crypto Climate Accord and Vanderbilt University to enable POP users to earn yields on their crypto assets and make a real-world impact simultaneously. Popcorn recently joined the Crypto Climate Accord (CCA), a private sector-led proposal for the entire crypto community focused on decarbonizing the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry in record time. Based on the Paris Climate Agreement, the CCA’s overall objective is to decarbonize the global crypto industry by prioritizing climate stewardship and supporting the industry’s transition to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2040.

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Oct 27, 2021

Giving USA: What does it mean for the global SVP community?

I’m excited to share with you a briefing by Sofia Michelakis, Deputy Director of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, along with her colleague Alena Owen, who serves as Associate Program Officer on the Philanthropic Partnerships team. Sofia provides additional context as a board member for SVP International as well as a long-standing SVP partner. For those of you wondering about international data, the collection methods internationally vary considerably, making comparative data country to country often nonexistent. Where data is more available, other differences in systemic support — like universal healthcare as an example — makes comparison to the function of the U.S. philanthropic sector non-parallel.

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Oct 26, 2021

Greenwashing vs. Eco-authenticity

“The last best hope for the world” The annual UN Climate Summit COP26 is here and just about all the media headlines I see read: “COP26 is the last best hope for the world”. But is it? There is no denying that time is running out for climate action. Despite the same big powers of the world signing the 2015 Paris Accord, their countries have continued burning fossil fuels and chopping down trees at rates incompatible with the Paris Accord’s goals. The very richest countries, those who are most responsible for polluting the atmosphere, are now experiencing extreme and often deadly consequences caused by extreme weather conditions. As Shikha Bhasin from the Council on Energy, Environment, and Water (CEEW) put it: “Over the last two decades, we’ve gone from facing the climate challenge to living in a state of climate emergency”.

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Oct 26, 2021

Popcorn to support Rhino Ark Foundation in a social media campaign

Popcorn is planning a social media campaign on “Defi for Good” with the help of PopAmbassadors/social media influencers to benefit a community-based project in restoring nature to the Kenyan Eburu Forest.

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Aug 19, 2021

Two megatrends to watch in the next decade: Sustainability and Web3.0

Since leaving the day to day operations of my Ed-tech startup Careerfoundry, I have set up WildWildVentures, a Microincubator with currently two ventures, which now affords me an underrated commodity in life - thinking time. While thinking about how the world will look like tomorrow, I have become very excited about sustainability and Web 3.0.

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Aug, 2021

Cryptocurrency and philanthropy

Despite significant volatility over its 13-year history, cryptocurrency has become a financial phenomenon—with the value of a single Bitcoin growing to an all-time high of more than $66,000 in October 2021. Cryptocurrency adoption continues to grow, despite its reputation for unpredictability. It is increasingly common to see cryptocurrencies as an option to pay for goods and services—and yes, even charitable giving. But even as they become part of everyday transactions, many individuals, businesses, regulators and other institutions are on a learning curve as they try to keep up with the breakneck pace at which the landscape is shifting.

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Aug, 2021

What is Cryptocurrency? (And Other Crypto Terms You Should Know)

From “lambo” to “sats,” the language of cryptocurrency is endlessly creative and evolving. We’ve put together a glossary of the most popular, essential, and amusing jargon, terms, shorthands, and slang.

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